I have not heard from Germany for a while.
Some say that training large models is not economic in Germany with the energy price increases.
Resolve EOY 2027 with public opinion.
Some criteria that will resolve NO:
A German company becomes a leader in the AI race
A German company/organization becomes one of the first five companies/organizations that realize self-driving cars.
Lol, I've been unfortunate to have been working in vaguely AI-adjacent """innovation""" spaces, and the vibe I've been getting is that German IT as a whole is a complete dumpster fire. We're desperately trying to catch up (and make a complete fool of ourselves while doing so) while everything is mired in bureaucracy, hierarchy, and compliance, with no passion in sight anywhere. Family keeps telling me that I should move to the US already.
@Schneefackel Thank you! My purpose in hosting this market is indeed to encourage discussion of the situation in Germany. I really want to figure out what's going on.