I will choose the individual reported as the winner of the First International Gravity Chess Tournament, according to the results posted on https://gravity-chess-tournament.andrew.gr.
Jul 12, 5:37pm: short link: https://gchess.ca
Jul 13, 11:28pm: Author betting policy: "not betting" in the joy_void_joy ontology (other than adding liquidity).
Jul 31, 6:19pm: "epicepoch" has changed his competition name to "Joe". Thus, if "Joe" wins, I will select "epicepoch" below.
Specifically, the answer will be chosen from the following set: {"Dyusha Gritsevskiy", "Michelle Hung", "Simon Popovic", "Valeria", "Louie", "Sophia", "epic", "Derik K", "epicepoch"}, where "epicepoch" is selected iff Joe wins.
Close date updated to 2022-10-15 11:59 pm
Aug 18, 3:41pm: Updated set of participants; thus, the answer will be chosen from the following set: {"Dyusha Gritsevskiy", "Michelle Hung", "Simon Popovic", "Valeria", "Louie", "Gal Raz", "epic", "Derik K", "epicepoch", "epicJames"}, where "epicepoch" is selected iff Joe wins.
Close date updated to 2022-12-01 11:59 pm
Oct 8, 6:19pm:
Close date updated to 2023-01-01 11:59 pm
Close date updated to 2023-02-01 11:59 pm
Close date updated to 2023-03-01 8:59 pm
Actually, never mind - I can see how that could run into some problems now.
I'm specifically envisioning a setup like e5, b5, Bb4, a5, Qe7, Qc5c6, d6, Qd5, with Qxd2d5+ a crushing threat. Obviously I'm giving Black a ton of free moves, but the point is that White can't stall forever.
@Calibrate yeah more generally, as soon as black captures the pawn that the white king is standing on, it's kind of over for white
@AndrewG one problem is that matches are wimbledon-style, and you have to be ahead by two games to win, so Dyusha Gritsevskiy vs epic is taking longer than expected
@Ibozz91 I think this market is close to the unfortunate record of "most past original resolution date on Manifold"
@AndrewG Have you heard of the time the World Diplomacy Championship lasted until the start of the subsequent year's World Diplomacy Championship?