Sam has fired or made leave or been given up on by lots of alignment, safety people, namely
Dario and Daniela Amodei
Paul Christiano
Ilya Sutskever
Leopold Aachenbrenner
Pavel Izmailov
Daniel Kokotaljo
Jan Leike
Note the claim is limited to these people even if other people leave in the future
Note: for me, safety means "stopping an AI from gaining too much power or influence in an attempt to stop itself from being deleted or failing or other area humans wouldn't ".
Things like making AIs not say bad or mean things are not safety, those are "censorship"
This claim is on whether Elon Musk will try to help these people out by doing any of:
Offer to pay their legal costs
Offering to pay them a lot to work with him on more safety related things
Offer to match the equity they'd lose for speaking out
Etc. it must be substantial and must include at least two of them
It doesn't have to actually happen,just an offer to help is enough.
The offer must be clearly substantiated
This does not count
Tweet in their support or criticize Sam or openAI
Appear in a public media event and campaigning alongside them advocating openAI or Sama to be more cautious. (If he also gives money to support an org which helps or employs those specific people, then it can count)